Friday, August 9, 2013

How To Clean RV and Camper Trailer Rooftop Air Conditioner (AC) Coils

Merely keeping the filter clean in your rooftop RV AC is not enough. In order for the AC unit to continue to operate efficiently and last a long time the coils must be cleaned every few seasons. The condenser and evaporator coils will eventually become clogged with dust and debris, no matter if you faithfully clean the filter on your rooftop AC unit. Cleaning the coils is a relatively easy task which anyone with basic tools can perform by following these simple steps.


Be sure the AC unit is unplugged from the power source by turning the breaker off or unplugging the RV from the shore connection.


Make sure your RV roof is strong enough to support your weight by using plywood or wide boards if the roof is not constructed to walk on. Remove the nuts holding the protective shroud in place and carefully remove the shroud from the AC unit. Place the shroud aside until the coil cleaning process is completed.


There are especially made solutions just for cleaning AC coils which will make your job much easier, but if don’t wish to purchase one of these you can use certain household products such as 409, or other strong grime cleaners. Some of the commercial coil cleaners do not require using a shop-vac to assist clean-up like the household products normally do.

Spray the coil cleaner on both the evaporator and condenser coils and let soak about 15 minutes or so. You can use a water hose with sprayer attachment to gently blow out the debris from the coils but try not to let the water hit the electric connections directly. Covering these electrical areas with plastic bags will help prevent  moisture from entering the electronics areas.  Don't worry if some areas get wet a little because they are made to resist the elements.


If you have access to a wet/dry shop-vac you can use it to gently remove the excess moisture from the coils. It may be necessary to repeat Step-3 several times to thoroughly clean very dirty or badly clogged coils. After the cleaning process is completed, let the unit thoroughly dry for several hours until the unit is completely dry. The use of a fan to dry the coils will speed this process immensely.


Replace the AC shroud after the AC unit is thoroughly dry, reconnect the electrical power, and the unit should be good to go.  Clean the coils every few camping seasons, or more often if the RV is used year round.  Enjoy your RV rooftop AC unit and keep it clean and cooling properly



  1. Thanks for this. I've been trying to find a good rv repair place in Phoenix but this helps me know more about my rv. Thanks.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this great information! I have been really interested in finding good Phoenix RV repair... I definitely need help with it!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this with me. I love how you went over this with me step by step. My family and I have been wanting to use our RV for a while now.

  4. these steps are more use full to any ac user because as we know cleaning of ac for time to time is must for good backup.
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  7. My parents have had a motor home for years. I remember every summer going on family vacations across the country, they were some of the best memories I've ever had. It is pretty old but with all the right maintenance and repairs it has lasted a long time. Thank you for the tips about fixing the air conditioner because without the air conditioning the trips in the motor home would be very miserable.

  8. I need to have the air unit repaired in my motor home. It feels as if no air is able to flow out of each of the vents. I am hoping it is a simple fix, but only time will tell.
    Cynthia |

  9. Thanks for the step-by-step instruction post. This is really going to help save time when I have to get my RV repaired. I will have to check out the filter because I don't know the last time it was actually cleaned. We kept having issues last summer with the heat and we are hoping to get rid of that issue for next year.

    Zach |

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  13. Amazing blog! I read the above article. It’s really nice and pictures also helps to convey the proper steps of cleaning the RV AC. Thank you for share the useful info.

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